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HOA and Condo Association Contracts

What HOAs and Condo Associations Need To Know About Pest Control


Homeowners’ Associations, or HOAs, and condo associations often have strict provisions on pest control and other practices that affect the community. Residents may face a unique set of obligations based on the way the property is managed. To meet the pest-control needs of an individual resident is not sufficient. The association may have specific rules regarding the treatment of community-owned property. This might include the contents of the pest-control solution and the way the pest-control treatment is performed on-site. Our service professionals are highly trained and qualified to meet the special requirements of communities who reside within a property governed by a homeowners’ association or condo association.

Pest Control for HOA Members


Pest control services for the members of HOAs and condo associations must comply with the rules of the group. Advance notice, written permission and other formalities might be required before allowing a pest-control company to apply sprays, mists or traps to the property. Preventative pest control might fall under the normal rules of the HOA, but there might also be a special provision for this method in some cases. Always review the agreement before pursuing a course of action.


Under most agreement clauses, homeowners’ associations require the consent of the entire community before entering into a contract with a service provider. Our pest-control company understands this legal process, so we can navigate the rules of the service agreement without breaching any contracts. If the HOA does not allow individual units to receive pest-control services without the entire community’s agreement, we will not be able to provide these services to the individual members, for example.

Budgeting Pest Control for HOAs


Some HOAs will budget the cost of particular maintenance services into the agreement. This means that there is already a pool of money set aside to pay for the pest control. However, it is important to review these documents to ensure that there are no exclusions for certain types of pests. For example, some pest-control agreements will treat rodent infestations differently than insect infestations. Understand the details of the HOA agreement to ensure that we can provide your members with the services that are actually needed.

Contact Us


Homeowners’ associations and condo associations must carefully follow the terms of their particular agreement with the members, and this is often different from one community to the next. Working with a professional pest-control provider can reduce the paperwork necessary to complete the job. Our team has experience servicing members of HOAs, so you can be certain that all the rules remain honored. There are often alternative methods for entering into an agreement with a pest-control company, so contact us for additional details. We can answer your questions about the various options available for eliminating pest infestations on HOA properties.

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