Mosquito control
The Best Way to Control Mosquitoes is through Integrated Mosquito Management. Experience has shown that pesticides alone rarely produce complete or lasting control of pests, whether battling cockroaches in kitchens, or mosquitoes in marshes. Mosquitoes are controlled most efficiently with an approach that blends the use of both chemical and non-chemical control measures. Mosquitoes lead two separate lives. Most people think of mosquitoes as the delicate winged insects that fly about biting humans and pets. But before reaching the adult stage, mosquitoes live in water. Without these aquatic breeding sites, there would be no adult mosquitoes. Locating and eliminating the breeding sites of mosquitoes is one of the most important parts of a mosquito control program.
At least 25% of mosquito complaint calls can be traced to the caller’s property. Learning how to recognize mosquito breeding sites, how to report suspected breeding sites and how to protect oneself from bites, are important learning objectives. Sometimes the best place to start is in your own backyard. As a homeowner you have access to all potential breeding sites in your yard.
Source Reduction and Larval Control:
Take a walk through your yard looking for potential mosquito breeding sites. All a mosquito needs to breed is a few leaves or small amount of organic material and water. In as little as a week, this water can produce mosquitoes. Larval mosquito control means treating water breeding sites that cannot be drained, filled or otherwise eliminated. Mosquito larvae can be controlled biologically or through the use of low-impact pesticides that selectively kill only mosquitoes. Biological control of mosquitoes is usually done by releasing mosquito fish, or similar minnow species, into water where mosquitoes are breeding. Mosquito fish are excellent predators and, where established, can quickly bring mosquitoes under control. Certain pesticides may also be used to control mosquitoes in small bodies of water that are inaccessible or impossible to drain.
Hugh Turner Pest Control certified technicians can help identify and treat mosquito breeding. Identifying ways to reduce standing water as well as discussing alternative pesticides to treat mosquito larvae without harming other aquatic organisms can go a long way in controlling mosquitoes.
Adult Control:
Adult mosquitoes typically rest on foliage during the day, coming out in the evening to bite. The widespread use of insecticides often leads to human health concerns and the inevitable impact on beneficial insect species. Overuse of insecticides can also have the unintended effect of increasing the risk of insecticide resistance among target mosquito species.
You can temporary suppress mosquitoes by applying short-lived, non-residual fogs to the yard and surrounding foliage. Such treatments have the advantage of temporarily suppressing biting activity with little long-lasting effect on beneficial insects like butterflies and honey bees.
Though the use of outdoor automated misting systems might seem on the surface to be a very good control system, there are some serious concerns for the user. Most of the concerns stem from the lack of a technician to assess the situation for mosquito population levels, windy conditions, choice of pesticide and aquatic breeding environments.
Not considering mosquito population results in indiscriminant use of pesticides resulting in over-spraying pyrethrin insecticides that will continually select for resistance to the whole pyrthroid class of insecticides presently used to control mosquitoes. In time this will result in the development of resistant strains of mosquitoes. So, only use the misting system during evening hours when mosquitoes are most active and during months when they are most vigorous.
There is concern over continued exposure by humans, pets and birds to pesticide sprays. Pyrethrins may be harmful if inhaled continuously. Misting systems can also target beneficial populations of insects like bees and butterflies through overexposure and pesticide drift in windy conditions. Pest technicians will avoid spraying during winds of over 10 mph and when people, pets and food are present. A misting system is unable to detect such activity.
Hugh Turner Pest Control certified technicians can help determine your mosquito population and recommend a effective and safe course of action.
Personal Protection:
The first line of defense against mosquitoes is screened windows and doors. Make sure all house windows are screened and that screens are in good repair. Protecting yourself and your family from nighttime biting mosquitoes is as important for your health as it is for getting a good night’s sleep. Limiting your outdoor activities during evening and morning hours when mosquitoes are most active is another effective practice. If you must be outdoors during these times, wear protective clothing (loose long-sleeved shirt and pants) or a proven insect repellent. Other backyard devices sold for mosquito protection include candles, bug zappers, ultrasonic mosquito repelling machines and mosquito suction devices. They all have varying degrees of protection based on the area needing protection and weather conditions.