Natural Green Lawn Solution:
Monitor Fertilization, Watering and Mowing
We appreciate that your lawn and ornamentals are not just areas of grass and shrubs around your home – it's an investment. An investment not only of dedicated time but also hard earned money, and for that reason you want your lawn and ornamentals to look perfect.
At Hugh Turner Pest Control, we comprehend environmental issues and how they effect your lawn, shrubs and ornamental plants. We understand that a healthy outdoor environment is the best way to keep pests and diseases at bay. Our natural lawn service programs have a commitment to environmental protection and have been designed with the human and environmental safety as priorities.
We use a three pronged approach to secure your investment and your health:
Proper Fertilization:
There is no way around it, lawns, trees and plants need sufficient nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to survive and flourish. Proper fertilization on all of your grass and ornamentals not only help your lawn and landscape look green and healthy but can also help to control weed infestation, resist insects, resist disease and aid in the recovery from drought or heat stress. Our South Florida and Fort Lauderdale lawn care services takes the guess work out of your required lawn care management and results in the greenest, healthiest lawn and landscape possible.
Weed Maintenance:
Weeds are a common problem, and they can hinder the look of well maintained grass. With our weed control services, your lawn is monitored and given favorable nutrition for growth. It makes the grass look greener and denser. Moreover the optimal nutrition makes it resistant to foot-stress and certain diseases.
We have knowledge and access to the latest EPA approved products as well as soft and natural solution alternatives to help control problematic weeds in your lawn in and environmentally friendly way. Weed control can be very difficult as proper identification of the weed and turf type you are targeting is needed to maintain proper weed control without damaging your existing turf. The best time for weed control is when weeds are young and actively growing. It is important to understand that weeds germinate and grow all year!
Pest & Disease Control:
Diseases on your lawn can be difficult and detrimental if not diagnosed and treated correctly. Hugh Turner Pest Control certified professionals can properly identify and treat all grass & ornamental shrub diseases. Some detrimental diseases in South Florida are Brown Patch Fungus, Gray Leaf Spot, and Fairy Ring. However, there are many other less common diseases that will create major damage in your lawn.
Proper disease identification and disease control measures are important to keep your lawn healthy and green. Correct and effective fungicide applications are just one of the many service offered by Hugh Turner Pest Control to homeowners in Fort Lauderdale and Surrounding Areas!
Proper Lawn Care:
The best way to prevent damage from lawn pests is to keep grass healthy. Healthy lawns require few, if any, pesticide applications. Two of the best ways to ensure the health of your lawn, besides fertilization, are to carefully monitor watering and mowing. Inappropriate irrigation is the most common cause of lawn damage. Overwatering (shallow, frequent sprinkling) predisposes turf to diseases, retards deep root growth, and increases lawn susceptibility to stress. Mowing is the most common turfgrass maintenance practice and can be the most damaging when done improperly. Mower blades must be sharp so they cut rather than tear the turf leaves. Mowing should occur as frequently as necessary so that no more than one-third of the leaf is removed at any one time. Turfgrasses that are cut below their optimum height become stressed and more susceptible to diseases, especially root rots. The actual recommended turf height depends on the turfgrass species being grown. It is especially important not to mow St. Augustine grass too low. Wet grass should not be mowed due to the potential for spreading water-borne pathogens.